1. Introduction
2. No Advice
3. Registration Process
4. Security
5. Unauthorized Use
6. Closing your account
7. Notice & Communications
8. Personal Data
9. Intellectual Property
10. Customer Support and Complaints
11. Amendments to these Terms
12. Warranties
13. Suspending the MYCORE. Services
14. Prohibited Activities
15. Suspension or Termination of your Account
16. MYCORE's Right to Set-Off
17. Liability
18. Indemnification
19. Termination
20. Jurisdiction
21. Miscellaneous
22. Interpretation
23. Definitions
24. Confiscation and Refund of Balances
25. Taxation Liabilities
1.1 MYCORE a company registered in England and Wales with registration number 15188331 (“MYCORE.”).
1.2 MYCORE. offers the following services “MYCORE. Services”:
1.2.1 Exposure to Crypto currencies;
1.2.2 The Exchange and Trading of Crypto Currencies;
1.2.3 MYCORE. Wallet;
1.2.4 MYCORE. Prepaid Card;
1.2.5 Purchase and sales of Tokens Ownership.
1.3 The These Generally Applicable Terms shall apply to all MYCORE. Services and MYCORE. Account- holders and shall include this document as well as any Schedules hereto and shall be read in accordance with the policies (“MYCORE. Policies”) as may be referred to herein or otherwise within the MYCORE. App or the Website and which are to form part of these terms including but not necessarily limited to:
Exchange and Trading of Crypto Currencies
1.3.1 Cookie Policy https://corebtc.io/legals/cookie-policy
1.3.2 Privacy Policy https://corebtc.io/legals/privacy-policy
1.3.3 Website Usage Policy https://corebtc.io/legals/cookie-policy
1.4 In addition to these Generally Applicable Terms and the policies referred to above, please ensure you also refer to the terms and conditions as may be specifically applicable to the MYCORE. Services you wish to contract as follow:
1.4.1 Crypto currency Terms
1.4.2 Card Issuer Terms
https://corebtc.io/legals/uk-and-England and Wales-card-terms
1.5 Together, these Generally Applicable Terms, the above-mentioned policies, and any other terms as may be applicable to the specific MYCORE. Services being contracted, shall be referred to as the “MYCORE. Terms”.
1.6 The MYCORE. Terms set out the basis on which you agree to contract with MYCORE. and constitute a framework agreement which sets out the terms and conditions of you using, accessing, viewing, or in any way interacting with MYCORE. including applying for an account with MYCORE. (“MYCORE. Account”) or using MYCORE. Services in any way (“MYCORE. Interaction”).
1.7 Before you can open a MYCORE. Account or obtain exposure to the MYCORE. Services, you are required to read and understand these Generally Applicable Terms and the MYCORE. Policies as well as any MYCORE. Terms specifically relating to the MYCORE. Services you wish to contract and the various associated risk warnings contained therein.
1.8 By proceeding with any MYCORE. Interaction, you accept and acknowledge the associated risks in dealing with the respective MYCORE. Services and your agreement with these Generally Applicable Terms, the MYCORE. Policies as well as any MYCORE. Terms specifically relating to the MYCORE. Services you wish to contract. You further agree to accept the decisions of MYCORE. with respect to all matters relating to the MYCORE. Services including the terms of any third-party providers which MYCORE. may engage within the provision of the MYCORE. Services.
2.1 By accepting the MYCORE. Terms and registering for a MYCORE. Account, you accept and acknowledge that MYCORE. does not provide investment, financial or other advice, and you contract on an execution only basis.
2.2 You acknowledge that MYCORE. may provide information to you from time to time, for example via the MYCORE. App or the Website, but will not and does not provide advice either upon the merits of a proposed Transaction or upon any other matter.
2.3 You acknowledge that MYCORE. may provide information to you from time to time, for example via the MYCORE. App or the Website, but will not and does not provide advice either upon the merits of a proposed Transaction or upon any other matter.
2.4 It is an express term of every MYCORE. Transaction you enter into that you are not relying upon any communication (written or oral) made by MYCORE. as constituting advice about or a recommendation to enter into such MYCORE. Transaction.
3.1 Subject to MYCORE.’s identification and verification process which you must abide by, once your MYCORE. Account has been activated you will be able to gain access to the MYCORE. Services.
3.2 You agree that any information submitted by you during the identification and verification process or as May otherwise be the case is true and accurate, and that any Crypto currency deposited by you in your MYCORE. Account is your rightful possession and that any such Crypto currency is from a legitimate source.
3.3 MYCORE. may require additional information from you for the purposes of verification. You agree to cooperate with all requests made by MYCORE. or any of our third-party service providers on our behalf in connection with your MYCORE. Account, to identify or authenticate your identity or validate your funding sources, proof of control of your crypto private address, or any MYCORE. Transaction. This may include, but shall not be limited to, asking you for further information that will allow us to reasonably identify you, including requiring you to take steps to confirm ownership of your phone number or verifying your information against third party databases or through other sources.
3.4 We reserve the right to immediately close, suspend, or limit access to your MYCORE. Account and/or the MYCORE. Services in the event we are unable to obtain and verify such information or you do not comply with our reasonable requests.
3.5 We may confidentially verify the information you provide us with or obtain information on you ourselves or through third parties from secure databases. By entering into these Generally Applicable Terms, you confirm that you consent to us or a third party on our behalf carrying out such verifications.
3.6 You shall ensure the information on your MYCORE. Account is always accurate and up to date. If at any time we believe that your information is outdated or inaccurate, we may contact you and request further information or request that you go through the verification process again. A MYCORE. Transaction limit may be set on your MYCORE. Account, or if already set may be adjusted, while we verify your identity. We shall not be liable for any losses arising out of your failure to maintain up to date information.
3.7 In order to access the MYCORE. Services you will need to access the Accounts tab in the MYCORE. App and select the relevant MYCORE. Account.
4.1 It is your sole responsibility to protect access to your MYCORE. Account. While we may assist you, if it is reasonable, in restoring access to your MYCORE. Account, MYCORE. is not obliged in any way to restore any access to a MYCORE. Account in any event, including in the case of theft or any loss of control of the means of access to the MYCORE. Account. You agree that MYCORE. is not liable for any damage or losses that are a result of such theft or any loss of control of your MYCORE. Account other than through the fault or negligence of MYCORE.
4.2 You agree to keep any passwords, PIN codes and all MYCORE. Account access codes and information strictly confidential. MYCORE. shall in no way be liable for access to or use of your MYCORE. Account due to any disclosure of such access information by you or subsequently by any other person to whom you provided such information.
4.3 For the avoidance of doubt, protecting your MYCORE. Account and any access information with regards to the same includes, but is not limited to:
4.3.1 Logging out of your MYCORE. Account every time you are not using it;
4.3.2 Keeping any device, you use to gain access to your MYCORE. Account safe and secure and locked with a secure password or other security mechanism and ensuring e-mail account(s) you use to communicate with us are also secure and only accessed by you;
4.3.3 Not writing down or telling anyone your MYCORE. Account access information;
4.3.4 Changing your MYCORE. Account access information regularly;
4.3.5 If you receive any SMSs, emails, questionnaires, surveys, or other links that require you to provide your MYCORE. Account access information, not providing your information and contacting us immediately at help@corebtc.io
4.3.6 If at any time you think that your MYCORE. Account access information has been lost, stolen or any other person knows said information or anyone has access to your e-mail account or device you use to communicate with us, informing us immediately at help@corebtc.io
4.4 MYCORE. Transactions and activity made within the MYCORE. App may be processed by automated methods, and anyone who obtains access credentials to a MYCORE. Account could use it to enter into transactions without your permission. If you notice misuse or unauthorized use of your MYCORE. Account or any other activity that makes you suspicious, you must contact us immediately at help@corebtc.io
4.5 The balance in any MYCORE. Account belongs to the person or legal entity which is registered as the respective MYCORE. Accountholder. We recognize only the rights of the holder of the MYCORE. Account. You cannot assign or transfer legal ownership of your MYCORE. Account to anyone.
5.1 If you believe that a MYCORE. Transaction has been incorrectly executed or was not authorized by you, you must inform us as soon as possible via the MYCORE. App or at help@corebtc.io Failure to notify us immediately on becoming aware or within the 2 months of the date of the unauthorized or incorrectly executed MYCORE. Transaction may result in you losing your entitlement to have the matter corrected.
5.2 Where it is established that a MYCORE. Transaction was not authorized by you, or was incorrectly initiated or executed by us (provided we can prove such incorrect transaction has taken place) and you have notified us in a timely manner within 2 months of the date of the unauthorized MYCORE. Transaction, we shall refund to you the full amount debited without authorization, subject to you being liable in full for all losses incurred in respect of a MYCORE. Transaction made by us which was not authorized by you if you have acted fraudulently, or have intentionally or with gross negligence failed to comply with your obligations set out in Clause 4 (Security) or you have not notified us on time in accordance with Clause 5.1.
6.1 Your MYCORE. Account will be closed either following a request by you by providing a minimum of 1 (one) month notice in writing via the MYCORE. Customer Services help@corebtc.io or closure by MYCORE. due to any other reasons as may arise in accordance with any MYCORE. Terms and/or applicable law.
6.2 You accept that after your MYCORE. Account has been closed, MYCORE. may store personal data about you, your MYCORE. Account and any MYCORE. Interaction for a period of five years or as otherwise required by applicable legislation.
6.3 If your MYCORE. Account holds a balance at the time of its closure, MYCORE. may ask you to withdraw your funds within a reasonable period of time, during which your MYCORE. Account will be accessible for the purpose of withdrawing the remaining balance only. After the expiry of this period you will not be able to access your MYCORE. Account but you may withdraw any remaining funds for a period of five years from the date of closure of your MYCORE. Account by contacting MYCORE. Customer Services help@corebtc.io and requesting that the funds be sent to you either by a card refund or bank transfer. When your MYCORE. Account is closed, any pending instructions will be cancelled.
6.4 You may not close your MYCORE. Account to evade an investigation. If you attempt to close your MYCORE. Account while there is an ongoing investigation, MYCORE. may freeze your MYCORE. Account to protect any and all relevant parties, including but not limited to itself, its affiliates or a third party, against any liability.
6.5 You will remain liable for any obligations related to your MYCORE. Account even after it is closed.
6.6 Without affecting the generality of this clause, and without prejudice to any rights that have accrued under the MYCORE. Terms or any rights or remedies as may be applicable, we may at any time close your MYCORE. Account and terminate all applicable MYCORE. Terms with immediate effect in the following circumstances:
6.6.1 You commit a material breach of any term of the MYCORE. Terms and (if such breach is remediable) fail to remedy that breach within a period of 15 days after being notified in writing to do so;
6.6.2 You repeatedly breach any of the terms of the MYCORE. Terms in such a manner as to reasonably justify the opinion that your conduct is inconsistent with having the intention or ability to give effect to the MYCORE. Terms and the conditions set out therein;
6.6.3 You are subject to a bankruptcy, insolvency, winding up or other similar event;
6.6.4 The result of laws, regulatory authority rules or guidance or any change in or any introduction thereof (or change in the interpretation or application thereof) means that it is unlawful or contrary to any such law, rules, order or regulations for either MYCORE. or yourself to perform or give effect to any obligations hereunder and such obligation cannot be readily severed from the MYCORE. Terms;
6.6.5 We are unable to verify your information in the manner set out in any applicable MYCORE. Terms;
6.6.6 You die;
6.6.7 We have reason to believe that your use of the MYCORE. Services damages, corrupts, degrades, destroys and/or otherwise adversely affects MYCORE., the MYCORE. Services and/or the MYCORE. App;
6.6.8 There is a significant fluctuation (either positive or negative) in the aggregate number of transactions you enter into via your MYCORE. Account;
6.6.9 You have acted or omitted to act in any way which we reasonably determine to diminish MYCORE.’s business operations and/or reputation and/or goodwill and/or which we reasonably determine or suspect to give rise to any offence or any increased risk or liability to us; and/or
6.6.10 We are unable to provide the MYCORE. Services to you through the inability of any third party to provide us with any goods and/or services that we require to provide the respective MYCORE. Services to you.
6.7 Other actions we may take if you have breached any terms of the MYCORE. Terms (including a breach of your obligation to pay us any amount owing) other than MYCORE. Account closure may be to:
6.7.1 Suspend your use of the MYCORE. Services (in whole or in part) in which case we will not treat any order for a transaction that you may wish to make as being received by us;
6.7.2 Report any transaction or any other relevant information about you and your use of the MYCORE. Services to the relevant regulatory authority, law enforcement agency and/or government department; and/or
6.7.3 If appropriate, seek damages from you.
7.1 You agree and consent to MYCORE. sending electronic communications in connection with the MYCORE. and the MYCORE. Services. We will provide communications to you by making them available on the MYCORE. App or by emailing them to you at the primary email address listed in your MYCORE. Account profile (“Primary Email Address”). It is your duty to protect the access to this Primary Email Address. You agree that MYCORE. is not liable for any damage or losses that are a result of any unauthorized use or any loss of control of the said Primary Email Address.
7.2 You should and it is your responsibility to ensure that you log onto and regularly review the MYCORE. App, the Website and your Primary Email Address and open and review communications that we deliver to you through those means. You are obligated to review your notices and MYCORE. Transaction history, and to promptly report any questions, apparent errors, or unauthorized MYCORE. Transactions or use of your MYCORE. Account. Failure to contact us in a timely manner in accordance with the applicable MYCORE. Terms may result in loss of funds and/or important rights.
7.3 We may contact you from time to time to notify you of changes or information regarding your MYCORE. Account. It is your responsibility to ensure you regularly check the MYCORE. App and Primary Email Address and that your contact information stored on your profile in the MYCORE. App is up to date. You may contact us in accordance with these terms via the MYCORE. App or by email via our Customer Services help@corebtc.io
8.1 The processing of your personal data is governed by these Generally Applicable Terms and any other applicable MYCORE. Terms, including any applicable Supplements as well as our Privacy Policy as can be found at https://corebtc.io/privacy. MYCORE. also adheres to applicable Data Protection Laws.
8.2 When you use the MYCORE. Services, we may collect Personal Data such as precise location data about a MYCORE. Transaction. If you permit the MYCORE. App to access location services through the permission system used by your mobile operating system, we may also collect the precise location of your device when the MYCORE. App is running the foreground or background. We may also derive your approximate location from your IP address. If you have previously opted in to providing location data you may at any time opt out of providing location data through the MYCORE. App. Unless you opt out of providing location data, you consent to the collection, use, sharing and onward transfer of location data, as further set forth in our Privacy Policy https://corebtc.io/privacy.
8.3 You understand and agree that we may collect Personal Data about how you and other MYCORE. Accountholders interact with the MYCORE. Services. We may access the address book on your device and store names and contact information to facilitate social interactions through the MYCORE. Services and for other legitimate business purposes. We collect transaction details related to your use of the MYCORE. Services, including the type of service requested, date and time the service was provided, amount charged and other related transaction details. We may collect personal data about your mobile device, including for example, the hardware model, operating system and version, software and file names and versions, preferred language, unique device identifier, advertising identifiers, serial number, device motion information and mobile network information. You agree that we may use the personal data that we collect to facilitate interactions with the MYCORE. Services, including sharing certain non-sensitive information about you with other MYCORE. Account-holders.
8.4 Without prejudice to any of the consents provided to us by you in these Generally Applicable Terms or other MYCORE. Terms, you hereby irrevocably and unconditionally consent and authorize us to, at any time and at our absolute discretion, collect, use, process and store any and all of your personally identifiable information, credit or financial information provided to us, including your KYC Information, and to disclose any and all of your personally identifiable information, credit or financial information, including your KYC Information, to the Card Issuer and/or other MYCORE. affiliates, financial institutions, debt collection agencies, credit bureaus, any credit reporting agency, or any other third party service providers of MYCORE. and/or the Card Issuer for all purposes associated with our provision of services under applicable MYCORE. Terms.
8.5 MYCORE. reserves the right to transmit the information or personal data about you as well as activity you undertake through your MYCORE. Account to law enforcement institutions, state authorities and financial institutions, if such is necessary to comply with relevant legislation, and in order to identify whether any MYCORE. Terms and relevant legislation have been violated.
8.6 By providing MYCORE. with a telephone number (including a mobile telephone number), you agree to receive autodialed and pre-recorded message calls at that number. The ways in which you provide us a telephone number include, but are not limited to, providing a telephone number at MYCORE. Account opening or adding a telephone number to your profile on your MYCORE. Account.
8.7 We will not share your phone number with non-affiliated third parties for their purposes without your consent and we will never market, advertise, or solicit you using autodialing or pre-recorded messages, but we may share your phone numbers with the Card Issuer, our affiliates or with other service providers, such as billing or collections companies, who may contact you using autodialed or pre-recorded message calls or text messages.
8.8 You understand and agree that MYCORE. may, without further notice or warning and at our discretion, monitor or record the telephone conversations you or anyone acting on your behalf has with MYCORE. or its agents for quality control and training purposes or for its own protection. You acknowledge and understand that, while your communications with MYCORE. may be overheard, monitored, or recorded without further notice or warning, not all telephone lines or calls may be recorded by MYCORE., and MYCORE. does not guarantee that recordings of any particular telephone calls will be retained or retrievable.
8.9 You agree that we can use your personal data in connection with your MYCORE. Account, to enable us to review, develop and improve our products and services. This may involve providing your personal data to our partners, affiliates, agents, distributors and suppliers to process MYCORE. Transactions and for their statistical research and analytical purposes. We may also disclose your personal data as required by law, regulation or any competent authority or agency to investigate possible fraudulent, unlawful or unauthorised activity.
8.10 For information on the personal data that MYCORE. collects and uses in respect of your MYCORE. Account and your use of MYCORE. Services, please see our Privacy, Data Use and Retention Policy https://corebtc.io/privacy.
9.1 The MYCORE. App and the Website and all Intellectual Property Rights contained therein, including but not limited to any logos, content, product information etc. are the property of or licensed by MYCORE. You may not copy, imitate, reproduce, alter, or otherwise use in whole or in part any Intellectual Property found on the MYCORE. App or the Website or any website linked from it without our prior written consent.
9.2 Nothing in any MYCORE. Terms grants you or any other person or entity any legal rights in the MYCORE. App and/or the Website, other than as necessary to enable you to access the MYCORE. App and/or Website. You agree not to adjust or try to circumvent or delete any notices contained on the MYCORE. App and/or Website (including any Intellectual Property notices) and in particular any digital rights or other security embedded or contained within the MYCORE. App and/or Website.
9.3 You warrant that you are entitled to and have all necessary rights to the content, information or data submitted by you to the Website or MYCORE. App.
9.4 We reserve all of our rights in any Intellectual Property in connection with the MYCORE. Terms. This means, for example, that MYCORE. shall remain owner of them and shall be free to use them as MYCORE. sees fit.
10.1 We take complaints seriously. Should you wish to make a formal complaint about us, the services we provide, or your MYCORE. Account, please refer to our Complaints Policy as found on the Website www.MYCORE...
10.2 You may request, at any time during which any MYCORE. Terms are in force, a copy of the respective MYCORE. Terms and any of the information as applicable with respect to the ENGLAND AND WALES FINANCIAL SERVICES (PAYMENT SERVICES) REGULATIONS 2018.
11.1 MYCORE. may unilaterally amend any and all MYCORE. Terms by giving you at least 1 (one) month notice in writing, either via the Website or MYCORE. App or alternatively, MYCORE. may send an email to your Primary Email Address as set out in your MYCORE. Account at any given time. You agree that it is your responsibility to regularly check for amendments and to know and adhere to the most recent version of the MYCORE. Terms as applicable to you.
11.2 Any changes will be deemed to have been accepted by you where you do not, before the proposed date of the entry into force of the changes, notify us to the contrary. If you do notify us to the contrary, your notification will be deemed to be a notice that you wish to close your MYCORE. Account and terminate any relevant MYCORE. Terms on the date upon which the changes are to take effect.
11.3 Your non-termination or continued use of any MYCORE. Services after the effective date of any amendments, changes, or updates constitutes your acceptance of the MYCORE. Terms, as modified by such amendments, changes, or updates.
11.4 Where an amendment to the MYCORE. Terms is required by law or relates to the addition of a new service, extra functionality to the existing MYCORE. Service, a reduction in the cost of the MYCORE. Services or any other change which neither reduces your rights nor increases your responsibilities, the amendment may be made without prior notice to you and shall be effective immediately.
12.1 The MYCORE. App, MYCORE. Services and Website are provided on an “as is,” “as available” basis and without any representation or warranty, whether express, implied or statutory.
12.2 To the maximum extent permitted by applicable legislation, MYCORE. disclaims any implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purposes and/or non-infringement for the Website and any and all of its components and the MYCORE. App and any and all of its components.
12.3 MYCORE., and its officers, directors, agents, employees and suppliers, make no representation or warranty of any kind whatsoever for the MYCORE. Services or the content, materials, information and functions made accessible by the MYCORE. Services used on or accessed through the MYCORE. App and/or Website, or for any breach of security associated with the transmission of sensitive information through any MYCORE. Interaction.
12.4 MYCORE. gives no warranty or guarantee as to the fitness for purpose of the MYCORE. Services for your needs.
12.5 MYCORE. does not guarantee any particular uptime or availability of the Website and does not warrant that the Website and/or MYCORE. Services will be uninterrupted or error free. MYCORE. shall not be responsible for any service interruptions, including, but not limited to, system failures or other interruptions that may affect the receipt, processing, acceptance, completion or settlement of MYCORE. Transactions or the MYCORE. Services.
12.6 MYCORE. does not have any control over the products or services that are purchased using the MYCORE. Services. MYCORE. is not responsible for and specifically disclaims any liability for the quality, performance, or any consequential results of the products and/or services purchased using the MYCORE. Services.
13.1 We reserve the right to change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the MYCORE. Services at any time, including hours of operation or availability of the MYCORE. Services or any MYCORE. Services feature, without notice and without liability.
14.1 You shall not engage in the following activities (the “Prohibited Activities”):
14.2 Register more than one (1) MYCORE. Account, unless explicitly allowed by MYCORE. in writing;
14.3 Register a MYCORE. Account if you have had a previous MYCORE. Account closed by MYCORE., unless explicitly allowed by MYCORE. in writing;
14.4 Initiate or in any way participate in any attempts to manipulate or in any way subvert the rights or obligations of MYCORE., any other MYCORE. Account holder or any third party;
14.5 Initiate or in any way participate in any attempts to gain unauthorized access to any part of the Website or any part of the MYCORE. App, or in any way impair the security, functionality or performance of the Website or the MYCORE. App or MYCORE. Services;
14.6 Infringe MYCORE.’s or any third party’s copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights, or rights of publicity or privacy;
14.7 Act in a manner that is defamatory, libelous, threatening or harassing with respect to your MYCORE. Interaction;
14.8 Harass MYCORE. employees, agents, or other MYCORE. Account holders;
14.9 Provide MYCORE. with false, inaccurate or misleading information;
14.10 Refuse to cooperate in an investigation or provide confirmation of your identity or any information you provide to MYCORE.;
14.11 Use the MYCORE. Services in manners contrary to applicable laws.
15.1 MYCORE. has the right to limit, suspend and/or terminate a MYCORE. Account, access to any MYCORE. Account, and use of any MYCORE. Services and/or the Website with no prior notice, including in connection to any activity deemed suspicious or fraudulent, or in any way directly or indirectly contrary to these Generally Applicable Terms, any other applicable MYCORE. Terms and in particular with respect to the Prohibited Activities.
15.2 If MYCORE., in its sole discretion, believes that you may have breached the provisions of any MYCORE. Terms and in particular the Prohibited Activities, we may take action to protect ourselves, other MYCORE. Account holders and any third parties. In doing so we may for example contact other MYCORE. Account holders or third parties who may have transacted with you, contact any law enforcement or other relevant agencies and authorities, take legal action against you, and/or restrict your MYCORE. Interaction.
15.3 In the case of termination or cancellation of your MYCORE. Account, any Account Balance, after any liquidation and deducting any applicable fees, will be available for withdrawal by you, unless MYCORE. reasonably decides otherwise, for example due to any requirements of law enforcement authorities or court processes.
15.4 MYCORE. will not be liable for any losses that may occur due to the suspension of a MYCORE. Account. MYCORE. may apply any appropriate sanction for engaging in Prohibited Activities, including freezing of any assets held in your MYCORE. Account and making a report to law enforcement and other authorities, and confiscation of any amounts held in your MYCORE. Account should this be required by law or the relevant authorities.
15.5 Where possible, MYCORE. will provide you with the relevant information regarding the actions imposed, but we may be unable to do so in accordance with the appropriate law including avoiding disclosing protected third party information or interfering in the course of an investigation.
16.1 On the happening of any event which entitles us to be compensated by you (including, but not limited to, any technical errors on our behalf or on behalf of our third-party providers), we shall be entitled to recover any sum due to us by retaining part or all of any sum that you have lodged with us under any MYCORE. Transaction or otherwise. You shall have no similar right of set-off. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes if one of the currency balances in your MYCORE. Account shows that you owe us an amount of funds for any reason or has a negative balance, MYCORE. may set-off the amount you owe us by using funds you maintain in that currency or in a different currency balance or by deducting amounts you owe us from money you receive into your MYCORE. Account, or money you attempt to withdraw or send from your MYCORE. Account, or in a different MYCORE. Account which you control and by deducting funds from any withdrawals you attempt to make.
16.1 If the amount owed to us is in a currency which is different to the Crypto currency you hold with us, we shall convert the amount you hold with us to the currency of the amount you owe us by applying our Exchange Rates. We do not need to notify you of this conversion occurring.
17.1 Any liability arising out of a breach of these Generally Applicable Terms or any other applicable MYCORE. Terms, will be limited to any loss or damage that is a reasonably foreseeable consequence of such breach and which arises directly from the actions of the defaulting party.
17.2 To the extent permitted by applicable law, MYCORE. is not liable or responsible, and you agree not to hold it liable or responsible, for any damages or losses (including, but not limited to, loss of any virtual currency, goodwill, reputation, profits, business opportunity, or other intangible losses or any special, indirect, or consequential damages) resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the MYCORE. Services, howsoever arising, including but not limited to:
17.2.1 Your inability to use the MYCORE. Services for whatever reason;
17.2.2 Delays or disruptions in the MYCORE. Services;
17.2.3 Viruses or other malicious software obtained by accessing the MYCORE. App, Website or any associated site or service;
17.2.4 Glitches, bugs, errors, or inaccuracies of any kind in the MYCORE. Services;
17.2.5 Actions or inactions of third parties;
17.2.6 A suspension or other action taken with respect to your MYCORE. Account; or
17.2.7 Illegal actions and operations of third persons.
17.3 Neither MYCORE. nor its officers, authorized representatives or associated entities or persons, is liable for delay or failure in meeting their respective obligations including any withdrawal requests due to any cause outside of its reasonable control, including Force Majeure Events such as but not limited to: any action or inaction by you or any third party; acts of God; war; riots; government intervention; natural disasters; any market movements, volatility or crash; any technological failure, including the failure within the virtual currency ecosystem; any infrastructure failure, including computer, server or network failures beyond our reasonable control; security breaches; acts or omissions of third parties; and any other events that cannot reasonably be foreseen or provided against.
17.4 MYCORE. uses industry standard techniques in the protection of its Website, the MYCORE. App and its MYCORE. Services to keep them free from viruses and attacks but we cannot guarantee that either will be free from viruses or other malicious software. We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a virus, distributed denial-of-service attack, or other technologically harmful material that infects your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of our Website, the MYCORE. App or MYCORE. Services or to your downloading of any content on it, or on any website linked to it.
17.5 We will have no liability for not displaying on the Website or MYCORE. App, for withdrawing or for not enacting a request to obtain or limit exposure which you submit to us.
17.6 Some jurisdictions do not allow certain warranty disclaimers or limitations on liability. Only disclaimers or limitations that are lawful under applicable legislation will apply to you. Subject to the foregoing, our liability will be limited to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws and in no event will MYCORE. , its officers, employees, licensors, partners, service providers or subcontractors (if any) be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages (including, without limitation to lost profits, loss of use, loss of data or loss of goodwill), arising out of or in connection with any MYCORE. terms or any terms referenced in them, or the performance or the operation of the MYCORE. Services, whether such liability arises from any claim based upon breach of contract, breach of warranty (including negligence), product liability or otherwise, and whether or not the respective persons have been advised of the possibility of such damages, in respect of but not limited to:
17.6.1 Your access to, display, and use of the MYCORE. Services, or for any delay or inability to access, display or use the MYCORE. Services;
17.6.2 The conveyance of any computer viruses, information, software, linked sites, products or services obtained through the MYCORE. Services; or
17.6.3 The act or omission of any business using MYCORE. Services or other third party;
17.6.4 Any acts or omissions, whether liability is determined in respect of such third parties or not, or any Crypto currency custodian or card issuer;
17.6.5 Any non-execution or defective execution in relation to a MYCORE. Transaction whether a virtual currency or MYCORE. bank transfer that we have made in accordance with a unique identifier given to us by you which proves to be incorrect;
17.6.6 Any delay or failure to perform our obligations under applicable MYCORE. Terms (including any delay in payment) by reason of any cause beyond our reasonable control including but not limited to any action or inaction by you or any third party, any force majeure event, bank delay, postal delay, failure or delay of any fax or electronic transmission, any accident, emergency, act of God or any abnormal or unforeseeable circumstances;
17.6.7 Delays or disruptions in the MYCORE. Services; Viruses or other malicious software obtained by accessing the Website or any associated site or service; glitches, bugs, errors, or inaccuracies of any kind in the MYCORE. Services; virus, distributed-denial-of-service attack, or other technologically harmful material that infects your computer equipment, computer programmers’, data, or other proprietary material due to your use of our Website or MYCORE. App or due to your downloading of any content on it, or on any website linked to it;
17.6.8 The content, actions, or inactions of third parties;
17.6.9 A suspension or other action taken with respect to your MYCORE. Account;
17.6.10 Your need to modify practices, content, or behavior, or your loss of or inability to do business, as a result of changes to any MYCORE. Terms or MYCORE. Policies;
17.6.11 Illegal actions and operations of third persons performed using counterfeited and/or illegal documents or illegally received data;
17.6.12 Any loss you incur resulting from your use of the MYCORE. Card which shall be the sole responsibility of the Card Issuer and subject to the Card Issuer terms as applicable – https://corebtc.io/cardterms;
17.6.13 Any losses as a result of a requirement imposed on us by new laws or regulations or our obligations under the laws of any jurisdiction;
17.6.14 Any loss or damage that you may suffer because of any abnormal or unforeseeable circumstances outside our reasonable control which would have been unavoidable despite all efforts to the contrary, for example delays or failures caused by problems with another system or network, any breakdown or failure of transmission, communication, data processing or computer facilities, mechanical breakdown, an act of State of Government, war, riot or terrorism, any act of God, the suspension of any market, postal or other strikes or similar industrial action or any prevention from or hindrance in obtaining any materials, energy or other supplies necessary for the performance of our obligations under the Terms;
17.6.15 Your use of or inability to use your MYCORE. Card(s), the corresponding Accounts and/or the MYCORE. App, which are incurred as a result of or in connection with any failed, missed, delayed, or fraudulent transactions, payment transmission errors, or any other issues related to payment or the processing, loading and/or transfer of money between you and the Card Issuer as the loading channel;
17.6.16 Any unauthorized access to, disclosure of, wrongful or fraudulent use of your MYCORE. Card(s), MYCORE. Account, MYCORE. App, Personal Data, pin and password to the extent not attributable to any negligent or fraudulent acts or omissions on the part of MYCORE.;
17.6.17 Any error, negligence, willful default, misconduct, fraud, act, omission, breach or failure of, or contravention of applicable laws by, any other party (including you and the Card Issuer);
17.6.18 Our acting reasonably in accordance with your instructions;
17.6.19 Any loss suffered by you or any third party due to matters outside our control (including, but not limited to, non-delivery of mail, machine failure, system failure, strikes, failure of an ATM or communication linkage failure);
17.6.20 Any losses which arise where you have acted negligently or have acted fraudulently, either alone or together with any other person(s);
17.6.21 Any losses incurred by you as a result of the MYCORE. Card Terms or Card Issuer Terms;
17.6.22 Subject to the foregoing, MYCORE.’s liability to you under any MYCORE. Terms shall be limited to the Fees paid by you to MYCORE. in the 3 months preceding the breach claimed.
17.7 Nothing in any MYCORE. Terms shall operate to exclude liability for death or personal injury or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or for any liability that cannot be excluded or amended by law.
17.8 You remain liable under any and all applicable MYCORE. Terms in respect of:
17.8.1 All liabilities, financial or otherwise, MYCORE., a MYCORE. Accountholder, or a third party caused by or arising out of your breach of any MYCORE. Terms, your use of the MYCORE. Services, and any use of your MYCORE. Account. You agree to reimburse the Card Issuer, MYCORE., a MYCORE. Accountholder, or a third party for any and all such liability, to the extent not prohibited by applicable law;
17.8.2 All charges and other amounts incurred through the use of your MYCORE. Account at any time, irrespective of termination, suspension or closure; and
17.8.3 Complying with any and all laws, rules and regulations of your specific jurisdiction that may be applicable to you in connection with your use of the MYCORE. App, the Website and/or MYCORE. Services, including but not limited to, those related to export or import activity, taxes or foreign currency transactions. You are liable to the state and other subjects for fulfillment of all tax obligations independently. MYCORE. shall not be responsible for the execution of tax obligations, or calculation and transfer of taxes applying to you.
18.1 You agree to defend, reimburse and/or compensate MYCORE. and any associated entities, third party providers, employees, agents, or persons who are authorized to act on our behalf, and their respective directors, shareholders, officers, employees or agents, and hold them harmless against any action, including legal action, claim, demand, loss, liability, expense, cost and fee, including attorney fees, arising directly, indirectly or in any connection from the use of the Website, the MYCORE. App or any MYCORE. Services or due to or arising out of your breach of any applicable MYCORE. Terms or legislation.
19.1 MYCORE. may, at its sole discretion, terminate any MYCORE. Terms at any time, by giving you (30) thirty days’ notice. The termination of any MYCORE. Terms will not affect any of our rights or your obligations arising under the said MYCORE. Terms.
19.2 Termination of MYCORE. Terms may require the closing of your MYCORE. Account. We will deal with your remaining balance in accordance with these Generally Applicable Terms.
19.3 Any terms which by their nature should survive, will survive the termination of the respective MYCORE. Terms.
19.4 Either Party may, in its sole discretion, terminate any applicable MYCORE. Terms with immediate effect any time without prejudice to any rights that have accrued under applicable MYCORE. Terms, or any party’s other rights or remedies if:
19.4.1 The other party commits a material breach of any MYCORE. Terms and (if such breach is remediable) fails to remedy that breach within a period of 30 days after being notified in writing to do so;
19.4.2 The other party repeatedly breaches any of the MYCORE. Terms in such a manner as to reasonably justify the opinion that its conduct is inconsistent with it having the intention or ability to give effect to the terms of the MYCORE. Terms;
19.4.3 The other party is subject to a bankruptcy, insolvency, winding up or other similar event; and/or
19.4.4 The result of laws, payment scheme rules, regulatory authority rules or guidance or any change in or any introduction thereof (or change in the interpretation or application thereof) means that it is unlawful or contrary to any such law, rules, order or regulations for either of the parties to perform or give effect to any of its obligations hereunder and such obligation cannot be readily severed from the MYCORE. Terms.
19.5 Without prejudice to any rights that have accrued under applicable MYCORE. Terms or any of the party’s rights or remedies, MYCORE. may at any time terminate any MYCORE. Terms with immediate effect by giving written notice to you if:
19.5.1 We are unable to verify your information in the manner set out in the MYCORE. Terms;
19.5.2 You die;
19.5.3 we have reason to believe that your use of the MYCORE. Services damages, corrupts, degrades, destroys and/or otherwise adversely affects any MYCORE. Services, or any other software, firmware, hardware, data, systems or networks accessed or used by you;
19.5.4 There is a significant fluctuation (either positive or negative) in the aggregate number of MYCORE. Transactions you enter into;
19.5.5 You have acted or omitted to act in any way which we reasonably determine to diminish MYCORE.’s or the Card Issuer’s business operations and/or reputation and/or goodwill and/or which we reasonably determine or suspect to give rise to any offence or any increased risk or liability to us; and/or
19.5.5 We are unable to provide the MYCORE. Services to you through the inability of any third party to provide us with any good and/or service that we require to provide the MYCORE. Services to you.
19.6 If you have breached any MYCORE. Terms (including a breach of your obligation to pay us any amount owing), we are otherwise entitled to terminate these or any other MYCORE. Terms, or we may:
19.6.1 Suspend your use of the MYCORE. Services (in whole or in part) in which case we will not treat any order for a MYCORE. Transaction that you may wish to make as being received by us;
19.6.2 Report any MYCORE. Transaction or any other relevant information about you and your use of the MYCORE. Services to the relevant regulatory authority, law enforcement agency and/or government department; and/or
19.6.3 If appropriate, seek damages from you.
19.7 Termination of these Generally Applicable Terms requires the closing of your MYCORE. Account and the termination of all MYCORE. Services, MYCORE. Cards and the associated MYCORE. Terms. MYCORE. will, in conjunction with the Card Issuer, deal with your remaining balance in accordance with the relevant MYCORE. Terms, which for the avoidance of doubt shall include the Card Issuer Terms.
19.8 Any terms which by their nature should survive, will survive the termination of these Generally Applicable Terms or other MYCORE. Terms, as may be applicable.
20.1 MYCORE. may at its sole discretion terminate access to and/or confiscate any funds held in a MYCORE. Account indefinitely without prior notice to the MYCORE. Accountholder. MYCORE. is not obligated to and may be prevented from disclosing the reasons for such MYCORE. Account limitation(s) by applicable law.
20.2 Unless we are prohibited from doing so by any applicable law, regulation, court order or instruction or guidance of a competent regulatory authority or agency, in terminating your MYCORE. Account we may transfer the funds back to their source. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision contained in any applicable MYCORE. Terms, MYCORE. reserves the right to not to refund your account balance, whether in whole or in part, or to restrict access to your account balance in accordance with applicable law if we reasonably believe that you have not acted in accordance with any MYCORE. Terms or that you have acted unlawfully, or where we are prohibited from allowing you access to your MYCORE. Account by any applicable law, regulation, court order or instruction or guidance of a competent regulatory authority or agency.
21.1 It is your responsibility to determine what, if any, taxes apply to the payments you make or receive, and it is your responsibility to collect, report and remit the correct tax to the appropriate tax authority. We are not responsible for determining whether taxes apply to your MYCORE. Transactions, or for collecting, reporting or remitting any taxes arising from any MYCORE. Transactions.
21.2 It is your responsibility to comply with any and all applicable tax laws in connection with your use of the MYCORE. Services, including without limitation, the reporting and payment of any taxes arising in connection with profits made through use of the MYCORE. Services.
21.3 In certain circumstances, we may need to comply with foreign tax laws where you use your MYCORE. Services, including but not limited to your MYCORE. Card, abroad. You hereby agree to comply with any and all applicable tax laws in connection with your use of the MYCORE. Services, including without limitation, the reporting and payment of any taxes arising in connection with MYCORE. Transactions made through the MYCORE. Services.
22.1 These Generally Applicable Terms and all other MYCORE. Terms unless specifically stated otherwise therein, shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and any claim or dispute under the same shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the local courts of England and Wales. For the avoidance of doubt these Generally Applicable Terms do not include any alternative dispute resolution procedures as a means of disputing or issuing any claims in relation to these Generally Applicable Terms.
23.1 In order to use other functions of the MYCORE. Services, you may be requested to accept other terms and conditions, either with MYCORE. or with a third party. By opening a MYCORE. Account, you agree to this.
23.2 You and MYCORE. agree that any party hereto may bring claims against the others only on an individual basis and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative action or proceeding. No adjudicator may consolidate or join more than one person’s or party’s claims and may not otherwise preside over any form of a consolidated, representative, or class proceeding. Any relief awarded to any one MYCORE. Accountholder cannot and may not affect any other MYCORE. Account-holders.
23.3 These Generally Applicable Terms, and unless explicitly stated otherwise, all other MYCORE. Terms, do not intend to confer any benefit on any third party. Only the MYCORE. Accountholder shall have any rights to enforce any of these terms against MYCORE.
23.4 You may not transfer or assign or sell any rights or obligations you have under any MYCORE. Terms or otherwise grant any third party a legal or equitable interest over your MYCORE. Account without MYCORE.’s prior written consent. MYCORE. reserves the right to transfer or assign any and all MYCORE. Terms or any right or obligation under the same at any time.
23.5 If we fail to enforce any of our rights under any MYCORE. Terms, or applicable laws, it shall not be deemed to constitute a waiver of such right.
23.6 We may comply with any subpoena, levy, or other legal process which we believe to be valid. We may notify you of such process electronically, by phone, or in writing.
23.7 Both the Card Issuer and MYCORE. have the right to change any of their third-party service providers, including without limitation the Card Issuer and processer, with or without notice.
23.8 MYCORE. reserves the right, but shall have no responsibility, to edit, modify, refuse to post or remove any provider content, in whole or in part, that in its sole and absolute discretion is objectionable, erroneous, illegal, fraudulent or otherwise in violation of any MYCORE. Terms.
23.9 Unless stated otherwise in any MYCORE. Terms, if any provision of the MYCORE. Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck and the remaining provisions shall be enforced to the extent possible.
23.10 Foreign currency exchange rates are subject to fluctuations outside our control. Past movements or trends in the movement of foreign currency exchange rates should not be taken as an indicator of future movements in such exchange rates.
24.1 Clause, Schedule and paragraph headings shall not affect the interpretation of these Terms.
24.2 A person includes a natural person, corporate or unincorporated body (whether or not having separate legal personality).
24.3 Any applicable Schedules form part of these Generally Applicable Terms and shall have effect as if set out in full in the body of these Generally Applicable Terms. Any reference to these terms includes the Schedules.
24.4 A reference to a company shall include any company, corporation or other body corporate, wherever and however incorporated or established.
24.5 Unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular shall include the plural and, in the plural, shall include the singular and a reference to one gender shall include a reference to the other genders.
24.6 These Generally Applicable Terms and any other applicable MYCORE. Terms shall be binding on, and ensure to the benefit of, the parties to the relevant MYCORE. Terms and their respective personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns, and references to any party shall include that party’s personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns.
24.7 A reference to a statute or statutory provision is a reference to it as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time.
24.8 A reference to writing or written includes email, notifications made via the Website and the MYCORE. App.
24.9 Any obligation on a party not to do something includes an obligation not to allow that thing to be done.
24.10 Any reference to a legal term for any action, remedy, method of judicial proceeding, legal document, legal status, court, official or any legal concept or thing shall, in respect of any jurisdiction other than England and Wales, be deemed to include a reference to that which most nearly approximates to the equivalent legal term in that jurisdiction.
24.11 A reference to any MYCORE. Terms or to any other agreement or document referred to in any MYCORE. Terms is a reference to the said MYCORE. Terms or such other agreement or document as varied or notated (in each case, other than in breach of the provisions of applicable MYCORE. Terms) from time to time.
24.12 References to Clauses are to the Clauses of the respective MYCORE. Terms and unless otherwise stated are to Clauses within the Section in which the reference appears. References to paragraphs are also to paragraphs of the relevant Section.
24.13 References to Schedules are to the Schedules of the respective MYCORE. Terms and references to paragraphs are to paragraphs of the relevant Schedule.
24.14 Any words following the terms including, include, in particular, for example or any similar expression shall be construed as illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words, description, definition, phrase or term preceding those terms.
24.15 Supplements to these Generally Applicable Terms are an integral part of these terms, under which you and MYCORE. agree on usage of specific MYCORE. Services as defined in the supplements.
24.16 The definitions set out within this document and below apply to these Generally Applicable Terms, and unless explicitly stated otherwise, to all other MYCORE. Terms.
25.1 Card Issuer Transact Payments Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales with registered address 6.20 World Trade Center, 6 Bayside Road, England and Wales, GX11 1AA having company registration number 108217, and authorized by the England and Wales Financial Services Commission as an electronic money institution Intellectual Property means patents, rights to inventions, copyright and related rights, trademarks and service marks (whether registered or not), business names and domain names, goodwill and the right to sue for passing off or unfair competition, rights in designs, styles of presentation of goods and services rights in computer software, database rights, rights to use, know-how, utility model, and protect the confidentiality of, confidential information (including know-how and trade secrets) and all other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including all applications and rights to apply for and be granted, renewals or extensions of, and rights to claim priority from, such rights and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection which subsist or will subsist now or in the future in any part of the world Personal Data The registered personal identity details relating to the use of your MYCORE. Card and MYCORE. Account including (but not limited to) your: name, date of birth, home address, email address and telephone (landline and/or mobile) number. Full details of the Personal Data which we process are set out in our Privacy Policy Primary Email Address the primary email address listed in your MYCORE. Account profile as provided by you Prohibited Activities As defined at clause 14 of these Generally Applicable Terms MYCORE. MYCORE. Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with registration number 118724 MYCORE. Account Your Account with MYCORE. which is subject to these Generally Applicable Terms and any other applicable MYCORE. Terms MYCORE. App MYCORE.’s mobile application via which MYCORE. Account holders can manage and access their MYCORE. Account and information and apply for MYCORE. Services MYCORE. Card Any prepaid MYCORE. Card issued to you in response to registration of your MYCORE. Account and application for a physical card MYCORE. Card Terms Separate MYCORE. Terms relating to MYCORE. Cards MYCORE. Customer Services The contact centre for dealing with queries about your MYCORE. Services. You can contact Customer Services by:
25.1.1 E-mailing support@corebtc.io from the email address registered to your MYCORE. Account; or
25.1.2 Writing to MYCORE. 23 NEW DRUM STREET, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM E1 7AY MYCORE. Crypto currency Terms Separate MYCORE. Terms relating to MYCORE. Crypto currency services MYCORE. Interaction Using MYCORE. Services in any way MYCORE. Policies As defined at clause 1.3 of these Generally Applicable Terms MYCORE. Services As defined at clause 1.2 of these Generally Applicable Terms MYCORE. Terms These Generally Applicable Terms, MYCORE. Policies and any other terms as may be applicable to the specific MYCORE. Services being contracted MYCORE. Transaction Any transaction within the MYCORE. App or in any way associated with the MYCORE. Services we, us or our MYCORE. Website https://corebtc.io/ you or your You, the person who has entered into these MYCORE. Generally Applicable Terms with us by virtue of your application for a MYCORE. Account and any other person you have authorized to use your MYCORE. Account in accordance with the MYCORE. Terms.